Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Great Unknown

I was so inspired by the song "Oceans" by Hillsong United that I decided to let it be the basis of my first blog. For the past year, the Lord has urged my heart to step out into the "great unknown" of publishing His whispers to my heart. After months of pushing it off, here I am acting in obedience.  Without further a due, here we go.

Conquering fears.

I feel like it's beginning to be what I do best. Not because I am good at conquering anything, but because I have had to do it a lot lately. Talking about what you want to do with your life while in middle or high school is one thing... Following through and "putting your money where your mouth is" is another. The really scary part is fully realizing that the possibilities are endless and you have the power to change the course of your existence. Fresh out of high school I have been blessed enough to get to jump right into what I am passionate about. That specific passion being teenagers. To be even more specific: teenage girls. Starting a student ministry or girls ministry from the ground up (literally) is very intimidating. Especially when you expect a lot from yourself like I do. I don't care how passionate you are about something, how sure you are in what you are doing, or how easy it seems, you will ALWAYS in someway doubt your abilities. That has been where I reside. Between what God says He has equipped me to do, and what the world tries to tell me I'm unprepared for. The popular verse in 1 Tim 4:12 about "don't let anyone look down on you because you are young" has never rang more true in my life. I am honored to be given the opportunity to help lead the student ministry at a new church plant in Grayson, GA, and set an example for not just the students but the adults too. The whole journey is a learning process for me. I am prayerfully expectant for what God wants to do in the lives of the teens in our community. I know for the time being this is where He has me to make His name known. So for now, the "great unknown" happens to be my small hometown. Here's to conquering fears! And lots of them.

It's not about me, my age, my qualifications, or my gender... and it never has been.