Friday, October 11, 2013

Unfading Beauty

"For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive 
by the good things they do." 2 Timothy 2:10 NLT

I think one of the things our culture today gets wrong is the meaning of the word "attractive". When we hear that word, we automatically jump to the physical attributes of a person. Just like Samuel was saying in 1 Samuel 16:7: we don't look at it the way God looks at it... God examines the heart of a person. And the heart is what truly makes a person attractive. As women, we are put under extreme pressure to look a certain way, fit a certain size, and be a certain kind of beautiful... But society has it all wrong. We wonder why the wrong guys are chasing after us, but when we examine our attraction methods, it's not hard to see who is at fault. Are we (as CHOSEN women of God) presenting ourselves in ways that are attractive to God, or attractive to people? Who you serve will be manifested in the ways you get attention. God is not impressed by how short your skirt is, but the right men of God are certainly drawn to a woman of integrity. If you are truly chasing after God and His heart, you will be doing His good deeds. In turn, you will become a more attractive person. So TODAY, start caring more about what your actions say about you, than what your outward appearance does. Start by writing this verse down and placing it by every mirror in your home, or by making it the background on your phone. This is one of the first steps to becoming the woman God desires you to be... Happy, blessed, and full of life. Oh, and beautiful, inside & out.

"Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God." 1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Some of you cringe at the word, while others blissfully ponder it. I wanted to write this entry because I know a lot of people who struggle with friendships and I know how it feels first-hand...

Up to this point in my life, I have always struggled with friendships. I would look at other girls in my school or church and think, "Why can't I have a friendship like that?" "Why is it just so hard?". I knew a lot of the reason as to why I was short of true friends was because I am different. That's how God created me to be. Being "set apart" doesn't mean alone. Though on some occasions, they seem to go hand-in-hand. Through seasons of your life, the people and circumstances (and sometimes even the scenery) will change. And you will change too. Especially if you have let God have full control in your life to do as He pleases. I have had friendships of all kinds... Ones that were one-sided, negative, short-term, or anywhere in between. Because of all that life throws at you, friends will come and go. I will never forget something my dad told me in 7th grade when I was broken hearted in the ruins of a friendship. He said, "God brings friends in and out of your life in seasons. You needed her for that season, and now He will bring someone else." I have held onto those words tighter than I think he knows. If you are struggling with friendships in your life right now, take a step back... Do you consider yourself "friends" with God? I know, I know. He isn't physically here and that makes it hard, but He desires to be your best friend. And He is the BEST friend. He will never let you down, never disappoint, and never leave your side. He desires to be your best friend through daily conversation, worship, and through reading His Word. Here are some simple things that have helped me through hard times when a true, true friend seemed a distant thing:

1) Surrender- surrender your whole self to the Lord. All of your problems, imperfections, and mistakes. Where you currently are, and where you want to be. It's never easy, and surrender is never a one-time thing.

2) Take Action- Surrender isn't enough. Surrender in the dictionary is defined as both "to abandon self entirely" AND "give up or hand over a person, right or possession". This means after surrender comes action. This may also mean that you must let go of some friendships that are holding you down.

3) Pray Pray Pray- I don't just believe, I KNOW passionate, persistent prayer works. My friendships are living proof of it. For YEARS I prayed and cried out to the Lord that He would bring someone into my life who would help me walk out my faith everyday. And He has provided.

We were all made for relationships. Our Creator designed us to not walk this road alone. There will be MANY people in your life who will come in and out and shape you into who you are... but I am believing God will send you someone who will stick closer than a brother and bring joy into your life. It will not be easy. Start by being honest with God and using the three simple pieces of advice in this entry. Most of all, I pray through this season in your life, you will learn what it is truly like to lean on Him, and allow Him to fill every part of your heart.

So much love and faithfulness,

*I want to dedicate this entry to my two very best blessings: Matlyn, my heart & Emilie, my joy. And to Jesus, who knows my heart and everything I need.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Path to Purpose

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 ESV

  This is a pretty well known verse. You've probably read it before, right? I know I have personally read this, heard this, and seen this written more than I can count. So easily I skim over these verses or pretend I fully get what they are saying... Hardly do I ever grasp the full picture verses like these are painting. I've heard it a million times, but just today it was different. Just another instance where I was reminded that God's Word is alive and living. I am at a pivotal point in my life with so many different roads to take. I want to travel the path that Jesus leads me on... but sometimes (like recently for example) that path looks very, very blurry. I can't hardly see where I am going! Not only that, but the moves I have made lately don't seem to be the right ones. What I am learning is that the path Jesus leads me on may not look exactly like I think it will. It also may take me a few times to get it right. I am willing to make some drastic, scary decisions that don't really make sense in order to be where He wants me to be. I am at peace with this by knowing two things: -God is working every little thing together for my good even when I mess up or feel like I took the long way around. -I am called according to His purpose for my life no matter what they scenery along the way.

  So, what do you say? Let's read Romans 8:28 and believe that today He is working on our behalf. Even if you feel like you're running in circles. Trust that He who called you to your purpose in Him, will see you through to the end.

"Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, 'This is the way you should go,' whether to the right or to the left." Isaiah 30:21 NLT

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Great Unknown

I was so inspired by the song "Oceans" by Hillsong United that I decided to let it be the basis of my first blog. For the past year, the Lord has urged my heart to step out into the "great unknown" of publishing His whispers to my heart. After months of pushing it off, here I am acting in obedience.  Without further a due, here we go.

Conquering fears.

I feel like it's beginning to be what I do best. Not because I am good at conquering anything, but because I have had to do it a lot lately. Talking about what you want to do with your life while in middle or high school is one thing... Following through and "putting your money where your mouth is" is another. The really scary part is fully realizing that the possibilities are endless and you have the power to change the course of your existence. Fresh out of high school I have been blessed enough to get to jump right into what I am passionate about. That specific passion being teenagers. To be even more specific: teenage girls. Starting a student ministry or girls ministry from the ground up (literally) is very intimidating. Especially when you expect a lot from yourself like I do. I don't care how passionate you are about something, how sure you are in what you are doing, or how easy it seems, you will ALWAYS in someway doubt your abilities. That has been where I reside. Between what God says He has equipped me to do, and what the world tries to tell me I'm unprepared for. The popular verse in 1 Tim 4:12 about "don't let anyone look down on you because you are young" has never rang more true in my life. I am honored to be given the opportunity to help lead the student ministry at a new church plant in Grayson, GA, and set an example for not just the students but the adults too. The whole journey is a learning process for me. I am prayerfully expectant for what God wants to do in the lives of the teens in our community. I know for the time being this is where He has me to make His name known. So for now, the "great unknown" happens to be my small hometown. Here's to conquering fears! And lots of them.

It's not about me, my age, my qualifications, or my gender... and it never has been.